Fifty States of Inebriation

Each state has its own relationship and regulations for intoxicants. After prohibition, the drinking laws were different in each state. A highway bill passed by the feds standardized things like the drinking age and began a trend of sameness that takes some of the fun out of drinking your way across the country.

Luckily, the states have decided to buck the boring blanket of restrictions the feds think we need. We have a new landscape of dope laws to entertain us. Two states have legalized marijuana and several more have some kind of medical marijuana option. In the coming years, we are going to see states experimenting with new laws and regulations as the country staggers down the road to embracing intoxicants.

We have collected what we can find about the laws about intoxicants in each state. What we can use is your stories about adventures with the law in your state. Click on the comments link to tell us what you have run into.

Things are changing fast for legalized marijuana in the United States. To help you keep track of where we are, check out this article:


Maryland is in the middle third for alcohol use with 51.72% of people reporting having a drink in the last month. They are also in the middle of the pack for marijuana use with 10.35% of people saying they imbibe.

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